The first post on this blog was written in 2010. That feels like a lifetime ago! The last post was written in 2019… so about that. I had a couple of kids, moved house, and changed jobs… the last four
Hello, Stranger

The first post on this blog was written in 2010. That feels like a lifetime ago! The last post was written in 2019… so about that. I had a couple of kids, moved house, and changed jobs… the last four
There are so many craft books out there, all claiming to show you how to defeat writer’s block once and for all, or how to make time to write every day, or how to turn your first draft prose into
It’s probably no secret that I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump lately. Something about the deadlines that came with my low-res MFA program, and the knowledge that when I met them someone would be there to read
NaNoWriMo is officially over, which means nightmares of revision horors are crawling around in the heads of hundreds of writers right about now. Here’s some tips to help guide you through the revision process!
It’s video time! If you’ve ever wanted to write a book but didn’t know how to start, if you’re participating in NaNoWriMo for the first time or the tenth, or if you feel that you are really bad at planning
So I’ve been pretty silent this October on You Know What, but it’s time to shatter the stillness. National Novel Writing Month is almost here! While I will be participating and MLing for Michigan: Elsewhere, I want to share that
You will notice that the banner on this post is not a winner banner. On November 30th, I can tell you that I have no clue if I’ll be able to make up the (way too many) words I would
As I’ve been away at residency in Louisville it’s become glaringly obvious to me that my NaNoWriMo project is stuck. When I arrived, I had 24,000 words (no, I haven’t added to that in a week) and no idea where
Time flies when you’re having fun, and also apparently when you don’t have time for fun! Here we are halfway through the month, and I have a confession: I am not halfway through my novel. Or even halfway to 50,000
My whole life I’ve imagined what it would be like to have an entire room in a house that was dedicated to books, both their creation and consumption. In honor of NaNo, here’s what that looks like! When we bought