What is the difference between a short story and a novel? How does a writer approach each type of story? What are some examples of good short stories? Find the answers to all this and more in today’s video. “Kleptomania”
Short Story VS Novel

What is the difference between a short story and a novel? How does a writer approach each type of story? What are some examples of good short stories? Find the answers to all this and more in today’s video. “Kleptomania”
I think every writer I know detests writing query letters. Here are some tips to help!
Every writer has their own rules, right? These are mine. I hope they’re helpful!
NaNoWriMo is officially over, which means nightmares of revision horors are crawling around in the heads of hundreds of writers right about now. Here’s some tips to help guide you through the revision process!
You will notice that the banner on this post is not a winner banner. On November 30th, I can tell you that I have no clue if I’ll be able to make up the (way too many) words I would
As I’ve been away at residency in Louisville it’s become glaringly obvious to me that my NaNoWriMo project is stuck. When I arrived, I had 24,000 words (no, I haven’t added to that in a week) and no idea where
My whole life I’ve imagined what it would be like to have an entire room in a house that was dedicated to books, both their creation and consumption. In honor of NaNo, here’s what that looks like! When we bought
Everyone familiar with National Novel Writing Month knows there are exactly two types of participants: the planet and the pantser. Each group is simply doing what works for them, whether that is extensive character sketches, maps, and 3,000 word outlines,
Many of you will shake your heads upon reading this. Or perhaps even roll your eyes. Maybe blow a raspberry, send a prayer heavenward. I’m going to say it anyway. NaNoWriMo season has arrived. This year, more than usual, I’ve